Vacations and Your Heart

Cleveland Heartlab lifestyle habits

The Heart Health Move You Can’t Afford to Miss With the stacks on your desk and overflowing in-box, taking a vacation can seem like more trouble than it’s worth. And there’s always the fear that the boss will decide you’re dispensable while you’re soaking up the sun in Tahiti. It’s no wonder that a recent survey from the careers website …

Stress, the Heart, and Inflammation

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, inflammation, lifestyle habits

Racing through traffic. Meeting a deadline. Giving a presentation. These and other stressors take a toll on your immediate health, increasing blood pressure, heart rate, and the release of harmful hormones like cortisol. But it’s the long-term effects you may really need to worry about. Chronic stress is associated not only with complaints like insomnia, muscle aches, and gastrointestinal distress, …