Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. Announces the Availability of the OmegaCheck™ Omega-3 Blood Test through Cleveland HeartLab

Cleveland Heartlab Press Releases

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Guelph, Ontario, Canada (February 23, 2015) Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. (NDI) is pleased to announce its recent collaboration with Cleveland HeartLab (CHL) for the development of the OmegaCheck™ diagnostic blood test for the quantification of omega fatty acids. As a global leader in launching proprietary tests to more accurately assess cardiovascular disease risk, CHL developed and validated the novel method for whole blood fatty acid analysis for the OmegaCheck™ test with the support of NDI.

The OmegaCheck™ test measures the quantity of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a whole blood sample. According to the body of clinical research, low dietary intakes of omega-3s and high intakes of omega-6s are associated with hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Therefore, the ability to measure the ratio of these two groups of fatty acids in the body can help an individual know their risk and adjust their dietary intakes accordingly.

NDI President and CEO, William Rowe, is “delighted to have access to a fully validated method both for venipuncture and fingerstick omega-3 testing. CHL will act as a hub for analysis for the US market and this will allow both organizations to service their distinct customer bases – which covers health care practitioners, consumers, and the omega-3 drug and health product industry.” Continues Rowe, “In addition, moving our sample analysis to CHL will allow NDI to provide faster turnaround times, improved knowledge of the insurance landscape and allow better access to other complementary health tests for our client base.”

CHL has been providing analysis of venipuncture samples for their clients as of July, 2014. As of February 2015, CHL will also offer OmegaCheck™ analysis on the small-volume fingerstick samples from biometric test kits for Nutrasource clients. “The NDI team is excited to be working with the highly capable team at CHL, already discussing next generation improvements for this service offering,” says Rowe.

Jake Orville, CEO of CHL stated “We are grateful for NDI’s support and input during our internal development of the OmegaCheck™ test. The launch of the OmegaCheck™ test has been a huge success with our customer base and we are excited to provide access for this test to NDI and their U.S. customers.”

About Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. (NDI):

NDI is a full service contract research organization offering regulatory consulting, clinical trials and product testing for the food, dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries. NDI provides a wide range of human diagnostic tests for consumers and healthcare practitioners, as well as companion diagnostics for the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries. For more information about NDI, please visit

About Cleveland HeartLab (CHL):

Cleveland HeartLab, Inc. is the premier cardiovascular disease (CVD) management company with an array of propriety tests focused on more accurately identifying CVD risk. In addition to its industry-leading approach to inflammation testing, CHL maintains a robust research and development program focused on bringing the next generation of CVD biomarkers to market.

Spun out of The Cleveland Clinic in 2009, CHL offers its testing to thousands of leading clinicians focused on health and wellness as well as corporate wellness plans through its CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified clinical laboratory. CHL holds over 20 issued and 30 pending global patents and has been recognized for its innovation by receiving the prestigious Nortech Innovation Award, The Ohio Venture of the Year Award and the Edison Crystal Award for Excellence. For more information about CHL visit For more information on CVD visit

For more information, please contact:

Erin O’Reilly, Manager of Business Development, Human Diagnostics
Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.
519-341-3367 x 113 |