Fermented Foods Can Help Your Health

Cleveland HeartLab blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, diet

You may have heard the buzz that fermented foods have benefits for your health. Fermented foods include things like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi (a pickled vegetable dish from Korea) and beverages called kefir and kombucha. These products contain “good” bacteria called probiotics. Eating fermented products increases the good bacteria that naturally live in your intestines. This is called the gut …

COVID-19 and Your Heart

Cleveland HeartLab blood pressure, COVID-19, heart attack and stroke, inflammation, lifestyle habits

Since COVID-19 started spreading around the world earlier this year, doctors have realized that it is especially dangerous for people with heart problems and risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure. COVID-19 mostly affects the lungs, but when the lungs don’t work well, it puts a strain on the heart.  If you already have a heart condition, high …

Top Herbs for Your Heart

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, diet, heart attack and stroke, inflammation, Stroke, women's health

A healthy diet is the first step toward a healthier heart. Eating lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, healthy fats like olive oil, and lean protein like fish and chicken, can’t be beat for preventing heart attacks and strokes.   But how you prepare these foods also makes a big difference. A variety of herbs have been shown to give …

Simple Ways to Get Tough and Prevent Heart Disease and Early Death

Cleveland Heartlab Aspirin Therapy, blood pressure, heart attack and stroke

For many years, the number of people dying from heart disease has decreased. But now that trend is starting to slow down. In 2016, more than 415,000 people died from a heart problem that could have been prevented. This unexpected number comes from a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The organization is trying to …

The Wonderful Ways Dark Chocolate Helps Your Heart

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, inflammation

Exercise. Eat healthy. Stay slim. Lower your stress. This “to-do” list is great for a healthy heart, but it may not sound like fun. Thank goodness, there’s chocolate! Hundreds of studies have found that chocolate—specifically, dark chocolate— keeps the heart and blood vessels in good shape. Here are some of the ways this delicious treat helps the heart: It may …

Detecting Hidden Heart Disease Before it Harms

Cleveland Heartlab heart attack and stroke, inflammation

People who are slim, don’t smoke, and don’t have diabetes usually don’t worry too much about their hearts. Those with good control of their blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels, even less so. But an alarming new study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology may soon change that calculus. Researchers from Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos …

Stress, the Heart, and Inflammation

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, inflammation, lifestyle habits

Racing through traffic. Meeting a deadline. Giving a presentation. These and other stressors take a toll on your immediate health, increasing blood pressure, heart rate, and the release of harmful hormones like cortisol. But it’s the long-term effects you may really need to worry about. Chronic stress is associated not only with complaints like insomnia, muscle aches, and gastrointestinal distress, …

Loneliness as a Risk Factor for Heart Disease and Stroke

Cleveland Heartlab heart attack and stroke, lifestyle habits

The Stroke Threat You’ve Never Heard Of Regardless of their personal habits, most Americans know that diet, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle measures can affect their risk of developing heart disease and experiencing a life-changing stroke. But another, less obvious factor appears to play a role in these common heart problems: Sheer loneliness. The link was confirmed in a recent …

The Diet that Helps Prevent Heart Attack, Stroke and Inflammation

Cleveland Heartlab biomarkers, blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, inflammation

Even if you’re not overweight, cutting calories could lower inflammation by nearly 50 percent, improve other major risk factors for heart attack and stroke, including blood pressure and cholesterol, and even add years to your life, suggests a new National Institute on Aging (NIA) study. The findings, which were published in Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science, “are quite intriguing,” said …

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A Natural Way to Lower Blood Pressure

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, diet, heart attack and stroke, vitamins and supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA–found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements–reduce blood pressure as effectively as lifestyle changes such as exercising more, cutting back on salt, or limiting alcohol, according to a recent meta-analysis published in American Journal of Hypertension. That’s good news for the 70 million Americans who suffer from hypertension (HTN). Defined as blood pressure of …

4 Delicious Superfoods That Are Good For The Heart

Cleveland Heartlab blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, heart attack and stroke, inflammation

It sounds too good to be true, but a variety of tasty treats – including nuts, berries, and even dark chocolate – help protect against cardiovascular disease, according to new research. Here is a look at some of the latest discoveries about which foods are the most beneficial. Peanuts may help prevent heart disease. Eating peanuts may protect against fatal cardiovascular …